Monday, September 21, 2009

ok, ok. I know that I haven't posted in a while. The internet here has been really shoddy and I haven't had a connection for more than a few minutes at a time...and now that its "fixed", I have lots and lots of work due. I promise to post after I finish this presentation. I'll put up pictures from Dover and tell you my uneventful weekend here in London.

BUT I do want to tell you about one of my professors, Tancred. One: he wore a black and white pinstripe suit today...with a white/blue/red striped shirt and a red and black houndstooth tie. And birght red Christmas socks. haha. And he called Mexican food "peasant food" and asked the class what a burrito was. hahahaha. Ok, I have to go to work! I promise to update soon.

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