Friday, August 28, 2009

So, today is our first real day in London. Yesterday doesn't count because I was deliriously tired and today I'm delirious enough to think that I'm not jet-lagged.

It always surprises me how much smaller everything is in Europe....with this said, our triple room is definitely the size of my bedroom at home. But, I think the conservative size of everything is what makes everything here special to me....maybe not the small amount of water pressure of our shower. I like the homey feeling of it, but I'm sure that it will wear off soon.

London weather gave a great welcoming ceremony yesterday as we walked along the streets in the rare sunny, 80 degrees (Fahrenheit, of course). I definitely felt like I belonged :)

I also felt lost, thank God I was here for a little while last summer. I'm so used to the American cities planned out on grids, even downtown Tallahassee is logically navigable compared to the streets of London. Streets change names and directions very often....always have a street map, and never think you are making a new short cut because you probably will end up in a different neighborhood...

Yesterday was very uneventful, besides getting lost. We just had meetings, went out to dinner out at a restaurant called Giraffe, and I unpacked...

The first picture is of my bed...this semester my roommates (Jade and Natalie) might just hate me. And the second is a picture of a dollar that Aaron used to pay for coffee.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ok, here it goes:

Its the day before I leave on the second great adventure of my adult life. I'm so nervous, I think that I might throw up. I also feel a little bit like Julie Powell (from Julie & Julia) right now, I hope that I come across as witty and fun-to-read as she did in the movie. Anyway, I will try my best to write about my adventures out and about in London and the greater continent of Europe. Tomorrow at approximately 10:00, I'm leaving my American phone behind and taking my two overweight suitcases with me to Gatwick airport! Hopefully the next time that I write something I will have some pictures!